Feed additive

A feed additive is a vitamin for farm animals that can't get enough nutrients from regular meals that the farmers provide. [1] In some cases if an animal does not have some type of feed in its diet it may not grow properly. Nutritional content of an animal feed is influenced not only by nutrient content but also by many other aspects such as, feed presentation, hygiene, digestibility, and effect on intestinal health to name a few. Even with all of the benefits of feed most of a farm animals diet still consist of maize, wheat and soybean meal because of the cost of quality feed.[2]


Types of feed additives

A sensory additive is an additive that stimulates the appetite, improving the voluntary intake of a diet.

A nutritional additive provides specific nutrients for an animal for optimal growth.

A zootechnical additive improves the nutritional value of a diet. It doesn't give nutrients directly to the animal, but through its diet.

A coccidiostats and histomonostats controls the health of poultry through direct effects.

The benefits of feed additives

Environment. The feed additives would reduce the amount of ammonia found in the manure of the animals. Thus, with feed additives we can lessen the pollution of our globe.

Welfare If there was less manure then the air quality would be much healthier for all kinds of animals, and their welfare.

See also


  1. ^ http://www.fefana.org
  2. ^ Fefana Asbl."Additives and premixtures." Fefana EU Feed & Additives Premixtures Association. Fefana, 2009. Web. 27 Oct. 2009. <http://www.fefana.org>.